

Vista House in Augusta

9th – 13th April, Augusta, Georgia

VistaJet will be hosting Members and their guests at the inaugural Vista House in Augusta, this April.

Introducing Vista House


Vista House brings our renowned silver and red service to Augusta where you can enjoy seamless hospitality in ultimate comfort.

Enjoy exclusive access to this private residence throughout the week – as well as having the unique opportunity to meet some of the sport’s most celebrated golfers.

Members and their guests have access to the private residence with all day catering and premium hospitality while watching the tournament live, with special guests and golf legends present daily.

Member benefits:

  • Exclusive and priority access to Vista House 
  • Regular daily shuttle   
  • All-day catering
  • Access to play golf at Champions Retreat Golf Club  
  • Specially curated evening events

Make your journey to Augusta memorable. For a seamless travel experience, we recommend flying with VistaJet to one of the many nearby airports. We are a global private aviation company that offers premium private jet services, ensuring comfort and convenience. Our VistaJet team of experts is available 24/7 to help book your travel.

Vista House service

Plan Your Flight

Let us draft a plan for you. Tell us where you are based, nature of your flights, preferred aircraft, times of the year you fly often and our team of aviation experts will happily give you a real life example of what flying with VistaJet will look like for you. Give us the chance to arrange a consultation and create a personal proposal that perfectly fits all your needs.