
How to work from anywhere in the world

If you have been scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram pages recently, you might have come across a number of images featuring remote workers sitting on beautiful beaches with a drink in their hand and a laptop on their sun recliner. If it looks like the kind of lifestyle that you would love to lead – flying from country to country while earning a decent income – it could be time for you to consider becoming a digital nomad.

Here at VistaJet, we offer entrepreneurs an unparalleled experience flying into, and out of, some of the most wonderful destinations across the globe, so as soon as you choose to become location-independent, allow us to get you to wherever you want to be. Follow our tips below on how to become a digital nomad, and you too could soon be working from anywhere in the world.

How to become a digital nomad

You might still be asking yourself, ‘just what is a digital nomad?’ If so, a digital nomad is quite simply someone that earns a living working online in various locations of their choosing. These individuals travel from place to place to explore the world, and in the meantime work from public libraries, coffee shops and co-working spaces. Sometimes, they even work from the beach! Some of the more common roles that lend themselves to a remote lifestyle include marketing, project management, IT, sales, transcription and software development.

Before you decide to give up what you’re doing now in favor of living a more flexible lifestyle, it’s wise to make sure you’ve got a safety net. Should an emergency happen while you’re away, having an income you can rely on for a few months will be worthwhile.

If you’re on the road – or up in the air – constantly, you should also get rid of any unnecessary expenses. Gym membership and various other subscriptions aren’t going to be needed when you’re making your way to different cities across the world.

When it comes to starting your own digital nomad lifestyle, there isn’t one specific path to follow. However, by reducing location ties, identifying your strong skills, building your business beforehand, deciding on your first destination and creating a plan and sticking to it, you’ll be able to work towards your goal.

There’s no doubt that the digital nomad lifestyle is an appealing one – if you can make it work for you.

Possessing the right skillset

If you would love to have the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world, you must acquire or possess certain skills. It isn’t as easy as you might think: when you travel the world for work, you will have to ensure that you have the appropriate legal documentation for each destination. Obtaining certain visas can prove difficult, so preparation in these instances is key.

Another consideration is that you’re not guaranteed an income. When you run your own company, there is always a risk that clients or customers might come and go.

In order to lead a location-independent lifestyle and have the best chance of success as a digital nomad, you must ask yourself: what motivated me? How can I best balance my work? Self-awareness will enable you to figure out a structure and routine that works for you.

When you’re traveling the globe, you’ll also need to be resourceful. Totally reliant on yourself and only equipped with a laptop, you’ll need to use your research skills to find out any information you might want to know.

Optimism and open-mindedness are also very important qualities to have as a digital nomad. Saying yes to the unknown is scary, but it might be the only way that you will ever grow.

The best locations to work from

If you are looking for locations with a thriving digital nomad community, Bali, Buenos Aires and Lisbon are all fantastic places to start.

Bali is one of the best locations to begin life as a digital nomad. It’s stunning, always warm, completely affordable and full of adventure. From jungle trekking to bathing in waterfalls, when you’re not on your laptop, you’ll be able to make incredible memories doing a whole host of activities.

The pretty city of Buenos Aires in Argentina is also one of the top places to live, work and play. Its solid internet availability, cost of living and coffee house culture draws many people in every year. Additionally, Lisbon should be another destination on your list. Europe’s digital nomad hub boasts a great nightlife scene, warm climate, and has fast and reliable Wi-Fi – which is a necessity!

No matter where you want to work from, allow VistaJet to get you there in style. We’ve flown individuals to 96% of the world’s countries, so there’s no doubt we can get you to where you need to be. If you’re looking to become a digital nomad soon, get in touch with us and we will help you organize your first trip.

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